CO2-UNIT-BL connects to any Bold Line Temperature Controller and is operated by the touch screen interface OKO-TOUCH. It is compatible with Active Humidity Controller HM-ACTIVE.

  • Adds CO2 to Air or to N2
  • CO2 range: 0-18%
  • Accuracy: ± 0.1%
  • Set Point Resolution: 0.1%; Repeatability: better than 0.1%
  • Output flow rate: 0.05 - 1.0 L/min at ambient pressure
  • CO2 sensor: 10 year-life Non Dispersive InfraRed (NDIR) dual wave length detector
  • CO2 Sensor calibration routine with external meter or calibration gas
  • Compatible with OKO-AIR-PUMP-BL for operation with background air
  • Compatible with Active Humidity Controller
  • Compatible with Smart Box for data logging and remore operation
  • Programmable CO2 cycles
  • Drivers available for: NiS Elements, MetaMorph, Micromanager
  • SDK available for integration in third party software


CO2-O2-CONTROLLER controls CO2 and O2 in any bench top incubator or semi sealed volume by infusing CO2 and N2. The unit is compatible with any bench top incubator. The Controller features built in CO2 and O2 sensors and suction pump. If the atmosphere inside the incubator is humid, CO2-O2-CONTROLLER must be equipped with drying unit DRYER to dehumidify the sample gas prior to performing concentration measurements. 

  • Adds 100% CO2 and 100% N2 to the volume in which gas control is desired. 
  • CO2 range: 0-20%
  • O2 range: 1-20%
  • Accuracy: ± 0.1% 
  • Set Point Resolution: 0.1%; Repeatability: better than 0.1
  • CO2 sensor: 10 year-life Non Dispersive InfraRed (NDIR) dual wave length detector
  • O2 sensor: optical sensor - 5 years lifetime
  • Sensor calibration against external meter or calibration gas
  • Suitable for semi sealed volumes ranging from 10 to 200 liters
  • Build in suction pump allows to suck out the gas to perform the concentration measurements
  • High efficiency dryer to dehumidify the gas for concentration measurement (needed only if gas in controlled volume is humid)
  • Alarm Buzzer and External Alarm Connector
  • RS232 and Mini USB ports for data logging through Okolab DATA LOG software or any third party software via DLL
  • DRYER: membrane based dryer that attached magnetically to the outer side of the incubator




CO2-O2-T-METER measures CO2 and O2 concentration in any volume, such as benchtop incubators.  It can be connected to a thermistor, to provide also temperature measurements. The Controller features CO2 and O2 sensor and a suction pump.  If the atmosphere inside the incubator is humid, CO2-O2-T-METER can be equipped with a drying unit to dehumidify the sample gas prior to performing the measurements. 

  • CO2 sensor: 10 year-life Non Dispersive InfraRed (NDIR) dual wave length detector
  • CO2 range: 0-20%
  • Accuracy: ± 0.1%
  • O2 sensor: optical sensor - 5 years lifetime
  • O2 range: 0-21%
  • Accuracy: ± 0.1% 
  • Sensor calibration against external meter or calibration gas
  • Build in suction pump allows to suck out the gas to perform the concentration measurements
  • High efficiency dryer to dehumidify the gas for concentration measurement (needed only if gas in controlled volume is humid)
  • On-board Data logging and download routines to USB drive. 
  • On-board logging of calibration and alarm events.
  • Alarm buzzer and External Alarm Connector
  • RS232 and Mini USB ports for data logging through Okolab DATA LOG software or any third party software via DLL


O2-CONTROLLER controls O2 in the hypoxia range in any bench top incubator or semi sealed volume, by infusing N2. It is compatible with the built in CO2 controller of the incubator and allows to upgrade any CO2 incubator to hypoxia conditions. The Controller features built in optical O2 sensor and suction pump. If the atmosphere inside the incubator is humid, O2-CONTROLLER must be equipped with drying unit DRYER (order separately) to dehumidify the sample gas prior to performing the measurements. The controller is equipped with Mini-USB and RS232 Ports for data logging through DATA LOG software (order separately) and with Buzzer / Flashing Alarm and with and External Alarm Connector. 

  • Adds 100% N2 to the volume in which hypoxia conditions are desired. 
  • Compatible with original CO2 control in the incubator. 
  • Upgrades the CO2 incubator to CO2 / O2 control.
  • O2 range: 0-20%
  • Accuracy: ± 0.1% 
  • Set Point Resolution: 0.1%; Repeatability: better than 0.1
  • O2 sensor: optical sensor - 5 years lifetime
  • Sensor calibration against external meter or calibration gas
  • Suitable for semi sealed volumes ranging from 10 to 200 liters
  • Build in suction pump allows to suck out the gas to perform the concentration measurements
  • High efficiency dryer to dehumidify the gas for concentration measurement (needed only if gas in controlled volume is humid)
  • Alarm Buzzer and External Alarm Connector
  • RS232 and Mini USB ports for data logging through Okolab DATA LOG software or any third party software via DLL
  • DRYER: membrane based dryer that attached magnetically to the outer side of the incubator


O2 Controller_450.JPG


The digital CO2/Air blenders mix 100% CO2 with Air and deliver the mixed gas into the volume in which CO2 concentration must be controlled.

The blenders feature 10 year-life Non Dispersive InfraRed (NDIR) dual wave length detector CO2 sensors and are compatible with the OKO-PUMP series for operation with background air. 

Within the operation range of each model, output flow rate can be modified as desired.


  • The digital blenders mix 100% CO2 and Air and deliver the mixed gas into the volume of interest.  
  • CO2 range: 0-15%
  • Accuracy: ± 0.1%
  • Set Point Resolution: 0.1%; Repeatability: better than 0.1
  • CO2 sensor: 10 year-life Non Dispersive InfraRed (NDIR) dual wave length detector
  • Sensor calibration against external meter or calibration gas
  • Compatible with OKO-AP line for operation with background air
  • Alarm Buzzer and External Alarm Connector
  • SDK available for integration in third party software
  • USB port for data logging
  • Operated via OKO-TOUCH 

Available Models

  • CO2-UNIT-1L (maximum output flow rate: 1 lt/min)
  • CO2-UNIT-3L (maximum output flow rate: 3 lt/min)
  • OKO-AP-1L (air pump for CO2-UNIT-1L)
  • OKO-AP-3L (air pump for CO2-UNIT-3L)


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