CO2-O2-MODULE included with LEO
The CO2-O2-MODULE measures the CO2-O2 volume concentration in the unit of %, and CO2-O2 partial pressure in the units of mbar, psi and KPa. It is included in LEO and stores calibration data in its internal memory.
The CO2-O2-MODULE can be easily extracted and sent to Okolab for re-calibration. Moreover the CO2-O2-MODULE can be calibrated with an intuitive user calibration procedure. The CO2-O2-MODULE lifetime is 5 years.
Features - CO2:
- Sensor: Non Dispersive InfraRed detector (NDIR)
- Measurement range: 0-20%
- Accuracy (in the range 0-10%): ±(1% of Full Scale +2% reading)
Features - O2:
- Sensor: Fluorescence-based optical sensor
- Measurement range: 0-25%
- Accuracy (in the range 0-10%): ±(1% of Full Scale +2% reading)
Gas Sampling
Text Diffusion - Aspiration Single Logging
Diffusion / Aspiration mode selection
Operator can select between Diffusion and Aspiration mode by using the dedicated flag
Single point
LEO acquires a single point.
Measuring CO2 and O2 may take some time.
You can choose to acquire the data manually, or let LEO acquire it when the measurement is stable.
Logging mode measurement
Leo is able to acquire a sequence of data point the desired time interval.
Operator must set the duration of the sequence and the time between each measurement.
Gas Measurement From Wet Incubator
The CO2 and O2 reading can be improved accounting the water content of your incubator by use Wet Mode. The temperature and relative humidity (RH) values of your incubator must be entered.
User Friendly Calibration
The CO2-O2-MODULE is calibrated by using traceable standards, and store the calibration data in the internal memory. It can be delivered with traceable or accredited calibration certificate, and sent to Okolab for re-calibration. Moreover, the CO2-O2-MODULE can be performed by using LEO through intuitive user calibration routines.
The Soda Lime Kit (included with LEO) is used for the CO2 Zero Reset procedure with ambient air. It consists of a Soda Lime filter generally used to remove CO2 from the ambient air.
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